Messages From Heaven


By |April 30th, 2015|

When you are sleeping, there is something that happens in your consciousness. Right now, this can only happen in your sleep. I’d like to talk about this with you. It will help you understand more about how your consciousness works.
Your consciousness is much more open when you are sleeping. This is because your mind’s thoughts […]

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By |April 29th, 2015|

Message from Connie: I wanted to share a Youtube video with you that I just came across. It is of Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee, a Sufi. In my own words, a Sufi is one who learns how to develop a relationship with our Source of love. I first came across Llewellyn a few months ago. One well-known […]

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By |April 28th, 2015|

As I have mentioned, many are starting to feel a deeper yearning, an inner longing for something more and it is your soul calling you to awaken. It is our Father’s love. It is usually a feeling that passes through you very quickly and you give it little attention. You are too distracted in busyness. […]

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By |April 27th, 2015|

Begin to create a new life in your head. Use your imagination. As long as your desires are in alignment with loving to all, there is nothing you cannot create. You have the capacity to be a creator like Me. We were born the same; in a human form. I was also a man. The […]

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By |April 26th, 2015|

There is a way to develop the power of God within you, toward the creation of your desires. When your desires involve the love for all, there is no limitation to what you can create. Until you are God-realized, consciously surrender each moment to Him. When you have surrendered the desire to control your life […]

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By |April 25th, 2015|

To gain more grace, ask for it every day. Let God know you want Him for your every need. With enough grace, you need nothing else, not even food or water. Spiritual energy, this non-physical energy, is your only true Life Force. It is the only thing you ever truly need. It is your eternal […]

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By |April 24th, 2015|

Being a follower of ignorance is a dangerous trap. It is subtle – ignorance. It always accompanies unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is without conscious awareness. It seems to happen without choice, but this is not true. There are so many opportunities that you choose to ignore. It is intentional avoidance behavior. Your fear drives this. It is […]

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By |April 22nd, 2015|

I am bringing each of you a level of love that is going to change your world; the whole earth. I am going to restore your lives and your world. It has already begun to happen. These messages of Mine are the beginning of this healing taking place. You are ready for this. Our Father […]

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By |April 21st, 2015|

When you begin to awaken your heart just a little, this is the beginning of developing a personal relationship with Me. I want you to know more about what this means. There is a difference between honoring me in your mind and surrendering your heart to Me. It is the conscious surrendering of your life […]

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By |April 20th, 2015|

You are here to enjoy living in a physical world; to enjoy the fruits it has to offer. Experiencing what you love doing is why you are all here. But, when there is fear in your perception that you are missing something, “need” becomes a part of your experience. The more you feel in a […]

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